Charity at the Glocknerman

Do miracles in extreme cycling!
The Glocknerman organization strives to promote charity in sports. The extreme cycling sport enjoys an ever-increasing media interest, which is used by an steady growing number of athletes to support their beneficial purposes. The event offers a great platform for charity events, which the athletes can use to realize their projects. Whether donation calls per kilometer traveled, facebook likes or other goals - we would like to support you.

Therefore, we offer upcoming charity events medial support:

  • Presentation of the charity project and donation call in advance on the Glocknerman homepage
  • Link to homepage  
  • Presentation of the charity project on Facebook
  • Result of the project after completion
  • We providing official image and video material for the promotion.

If you are planning a charity event for the Glocknerman, please contact us.
We are not only interested in getting information about the project, but also about the development and the background.
It is not necessary for the event to be supported by a special charity objective or project, also existing organizations, associations, etc. can be supported in their regular work. The focus of the projects is always the charity and not the athlete itself. Please note that there are no discounts such as start fees are not possible. Glocknerman assumes no responsibility whatsoever for the contents or the success of the charity project.

Glocknerman - Ultraradmarathon Weltmeisterschaft